I'm home now :) Good ol' Enumclaw always just seems to call it's residents back over and over. No matter where I go in life now, I feel like I'll always just refer to Enumclaw as "Home".
Speaking of which, I love my house :) The first thing I did when I got back was make a carpet angel. In the carpet. THE CARPET. The carpet we don't have in my dorm!
I couldn't think of just one simple, straight-forward answer to either of the questions posed. How do you explain to some one 4 months worth of experiences and growing in a one sentence answer?
- I've learned that I judge people way too harshly, and way too critically
- I've learned that I want to incorporate my own testimony of Jesus Christ into my life more
- I've learned the need for prayer
- and for sleep
- I've learned that I can't compare myself to others. It's like comparing every fruit in the world: each has bad and good qualities, and some fruits are better served with different combinations of different fruits. (Roughly translating to mean that not everyone is going to like me and that's ok)
- I've learned that patience is a virtue.
- I've learned to be more aware of people and their needs. Not everyone wears their hearts on their sleeves and part of being a good friend is realizing that while figuring out the emotions of their hearts without prying.
- I've learned that there is hope in a world of ever sinking morals. There are families across the globe that were able to raise their kids in the gospel, regardless of the circumstances. What an amazing display of faith and devotion it is to see the next generation of church leaders. Living with the next generation of the church. Being the next generation of the church.
- I've learned that I love learning the deep nature of the basic doctrine of the church. Not like trying to answer odd questions like the "Where is Kolob" questions, and the "Well, if one day to the Lord is 1000 years to us, then the Creation would've taken 7,000 years right? Isn't that enough time for the dinosaurs to have lived and died?" questions. But the faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost, Atonement, grace and works and agency questions
- Along similar lines, I've learned that I love seeking after truth regardless of the subject.
- I've learned that I'm not always right. ouch
- I've learned that people's reality are dependent on their perception. It's totally normal for me to drop a piece of food on the ground then pick it up and eat it. Someone else out there just threw up reading this.
- I've learned that parenting must be the hardest job that you don't get paid for.
- I've learned that science and God are not in conflict with each other if you understand both subjects thoroughly
- I've learned that I am not well-read and that that bothers me immensely.
- I've learned that I've love talking and that I hate small talk.
- I've learned over and over again that Christ loves His children, no matter how small, insignificant, or unworthy they view themselves as.
What a wonderful first semester right?
Anyways, now that I'm home I can't believe it. It's still a little surreal; like I'm watching things behind a window pane.
I talked with my brother on the way to go get Frankie's pizza (so much better than the $5 Lil' C's pizza's I've become deeply acquainted with) and he shared with me this conversation:
Jess: so how has school been for you buddy?
Ethan: It's ok. I like recess, that's like, the best part. Except I only play handball during recess.
(Then he explained how to play handball to me. Sounds like a sweet game really)
Ethan: I didn't know Uncle _____ drank beer. Doesn't he go to church though?
Jess: Well sometimes, but people who drink those things can still come to church you know.
Ethan: Oh right! Because you're supposed to invite people to come to church right? Isn't that what Elder Durrant said?
Jess: Yes, inviting them to church is what we're supposed to do
Ethan: mmmmm I was talking with my friend Lewis at school and I told him that whenever he says the Lord's name in vain that it's really disrespectful.
Jess: Wow Ethan, that's really impressive. What did he say to that?
Ethan: Oh, I can't remember, we were playing handball
What 9 year old has the courage to ask his friends to be respectful of his beliefs? I don't think I even knew what the purpose behind not saying God's name in vain was at his age. All I knew is that I'd get my mouth washed out with soap if I did.
He's a wonderful brother.
Well since I've been home I have slept for a total of 7 hours, driven to Bellevue and back, around Enumclaw, and to Bonney Lake and back, made a LEGIT looking gingerbread house, and cried because I no longer have MY room.
What a successful day!
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