Thursday, February 17


I haven't died :)
Although some days I feel like dying because I just want to sleep forever!

This past weekend was absolutely insane! Friday night a group of friends and I camped out for the BYU vs. UofU basketball game for the following Saturday. 10 people, in a 2-3 man tent... at least that's crossed off my bucket list now!

The game was so intense! We killed them of course, but it was amazing to literally feel the camaraderie!
For those of you who haven't heard yet, we have an phenomenal player on the basketball team, the name is Jimmer Fredette. He's a senior from Glen Falls, New York, and he is literally incredible. I'm not going to try and push the "Fredette religion" down your throat (mostly because I really don't understand basketball well enough to do that) but if you get a chance to watch him play, you'll start to understand why BYU is buzzing with his name 24/7. Regardless of the hype... I am a fan :)

Life's been good so far. Last week was an amazing week for me and I think I owe that to my determination to make it so, and because the week prior was so bad that any new beginning would've been amazing.
This week started off a little rough for me. Thanks to the camp out, all of Saturday I was running on the fumes of an oily rag, (thanks for that saying mom!) so I ended up having 5 hours of sleep over the weekend. Never have I felt so old in my life; sometimes I swear 18 is the new 40. Saturday DAY was fun because my good friend Aaron came down with his roommate Dylan, as well as a bunch of their friends from BYU-I. It was fun meeting all of them and getting to visit with Aaron again because that didn't happen at all during Christmas break.
Last night was crazy! 4 of my friends got their mission calls! 2 FHE brothers and 2 friends that I knew from back home. Of the FHE brothers, one is going to the West Indies, and the other is ironically going to Lubbock, Texas... Spanish speaking. Of the friends from back home, one is going to the Vladivostok, Russia mission; the other is also going to the West Indies. I had never heard of anyone getting called to the West Indies, yet 2 friends were called there on the same day!
It has been astounding for me to see all of these guys preparing to leave for 2 years. Never before have I realized the importance it is to these young men.

A couple of weeks ago some roommates and I finally found housing for next year :) Carly, Liz and I are all going to room together again, with Natalie and some of her roommates as our neighbors! Jillian's family owns a condo down here, so it was more practical for her to live there. Honestly though, she's probably going to be at our place more than her own haha. We're living at this place called The Brittney, which is a couple blocks south of campus. So glad that's all taken care of.
Classes are going ok. I have determined that I will NEVER be a chemist, which is just fine to me. I asked my TA a couple days ago if chemistry was really that important to having a major in Exercise Science, and he said that unless you know upfront that your career is going to require you knowing chemical equations, than most likely not. Why it is a requirement? I have yet to find out.
Anatomy is just as amazing as ever :) We recently took a look at all the structures of the Central Nervous System (basically brain and spinal cord.) Everyday I leave that class with a deep appreciation for a Supreme Being who organized such an amazing creation.

Carly and I have recently begun a new workout regime. We go to the gym nearly everyday, and if we continue that pattern for a month we are going to treat ourselves by going shopping! Not that I need it at all, but it will be nice to just poke around the mall and check out the new spring lines. MWF is cardio, and T,TH and possibly Saturday are weight days. Having done this for nearly a week now it's surprising how good I feel; I hadn't planned on immediate results! As a dorm we've decided that we're going to run a 5k for the American Red Cross foundation in March. So I guess we're kind of training for that as well. I can't tell you how good it feels to finally be back into some sort of exercise pattern. Not having a sport every week has been a major source of sadness for me.

I know I've mentioned this before, but people are so amazing to me. What amazes me even more is how quick I am to judge them, and how wrongly my judgments usually turn out to be. I've recently been able to get to know someone, and initially I never would've guessed that they liked doing the things they do. I sincerely believe that every person has a very "deep" side to them. "Deep" being defined however way you like it because that's all your frame of mind will be able to understand. "Deep" to me means something very different than it does to you. Weird how all adjectives are relative like that huh?

Anyways, that's basically all that's been happening so far... and this was mostly a post just to post something because some days, I feel like I've got to blog, but there's no specific reason backing that desire up. Maybe next time I'll have a genuine thought for the day haha.

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