Sunday, October 28


Falling in love seems difficult; for the first time, we choose to be vulnerable enough to let our hearts live outside our bodies. That vital organ now has the ability to turn its back and walk away - and somehow we still live when it does.

Love cannot have a universal definition. It has many faces and expressions that depend on circumstances and people. Miss Swift has yet to nail a note about love in a way I've experienced (another rant, another day...) Yet we all seem to judge our love - our ability to love, our relationships, our experiences with love - on media-induced ideals. Based on songs, movies and books; based on presents, romance, the quality (and quantity) of sex, fairy tale endings, knowing "exactly what to say", soul mates and attractiveness.

But I don't love this way.

I love deeply but not openly. I love imperfectly and wholeheartedly. I love complexity with simplicity.

All of this I thought as I lay next to my husband as he drifted off to sleep; slowly, then all at once. He is my greatest source of joy and it would be a shame to muddy the love we have with media expectations.

Write me a movie about that Hollywood.

1 comment:

  1. I am sitting here sobbing about moving. Silly, since I'm just going to the other side of town. I hate moving, so I'm being a bit of a pill. I hate change. And since reading your post, I'm starting to feel a little better - because it reminded me that I have what is MOST important in my life - and that's all that really matters. Yeah, life isn't a movie, but it's really really good when you can share it with someone who really cares about you!
