Thursday, November 29

Awkward and Awesome

Today was a Murphy's Law kind of day; everything that can go wrong, went wrong. I woke up late, didn't get a lot of work done, lost my flash drive that had a semester's worth of computer programming that I needed, couldn't buy ham at Costco so my ham and cheese bagel became a cheese bagel, was late for my noon class, didn't understand a word of it, deleted my group project's program syntax, bruised myself WAY too much during vball, then spent another 4 hours on a stupid homework assignment, and almost lost $200 meant for a friend.
BUT I have survived today. I found my flash drive, won my volleyball match, recovered the deleted syntax, turned in that blankity-blank-blank assignment and found the $200.

Take that universe.

  • Being friendly with restaurant workers - free drinks? Ok! 
  • Watching the men's volleyball team practice. No, that's not creepy... 
  • The Office. We're currently on season 5 and we started 2 weeks ago. Don't judge 
  • Finally understanding computer programming enough to help other people 
  • Meeting my first niece! Little Audrey is adorable! 
  • Tanning. I don't care what anyone says, sometimes the tanning bed is just the perfect answer. Those UV rays can help a woman out! 
  • I'm can almost see the end of this semester 
  • Being assigned to the number one team in my vball class 
  • My Prof saying, "I think I'm actually going to re-write the final to make it a little easier. Any objections?" (No objections were made manifest btw) 
  • That same professor deciding to write my computer code for me - THANK YOU! 
  • THIS - I seriously can't stop laughing! 
  • and THIS - so true... it's almost not funny. 
  • "So when are you guys going to have kids?" .... we don't know. And why would we tell you if we did??? 
  • Saying a different name when someone asks what my name is. "May I ask who's calling?" "Oh yeah, my name is Liz... wait, what?!" 
  • Having to explain what a HOME BIRTH is 
  • When people ask if I'm feeling alright because I look a little... off. Sometimes I don't have time to do my hair ok? 
  • Watching someone trying to flirt when it's obviously not working. It's kinda like watching a car crash; you really can't just look away 
  • Accidently revealing how much of a creeper I am on facebook 
  • When the person next to you farts pretty noticeably. What's the proper protocol for that anyone know? 
  • Still not knowing how to pronounce my group member's name, and it's the end of the semester 
  • Having to turn down "dates" because they didn't look at the hand close enough. So, wanna grab a bite to eat later? I know this great restaurant..." "Oh yeah, my husband and I LOVE that place!" *Cue the reddest face I've ever seen. "Oh you're married? So.... um... how's that going for you...?" 
Needless to say, it's been a fantastic week and this has become my new mantra


  1. bahaha you did NOT say MY name did you??haha

  2. Can I just tell you how much I love reading your blogs? Hang in there! And thanks for the laughs!
