Tuesday, October 19

I can't remember

Ever wonder what you would do without your memory? Sure we typically forget some answers to a test, but I mean not having the ability to remember anything at all?
Not remembering what you did the second before.
I wonder what it'd be like not to remember--
I wonder what it'd be like not to----
I wonder what it'd be like not---
I wonder what it'd be like---
I wonder what it'd be----
I wonder what it'd----
I wonder what---
I wonder---
And that's all you'd get.
Each second exising and forgetting. Every sense would constantly be stimulated by something new. Never knowing how to speak, crawl, eat.
Literally, a couch potato. Not knowing who you are; your interests, hobbies, talents, abilities.
Not recognizing your family. Not knowing what a family is.
I truly can't think of anything more horrible.

"Each of us finds that in [our] own life
every moment of time is completely filled.
[We are] bombarded every second by sensations,
emotions, thoughts... nine-tenths of which
[we] simply ignore. The past [is] a roaring
cataract of billions upon billions of such
moments: Any one of them too complex to grasp
in its entirety, and the aggregate beyond all
imagination... At every tick of the clock, in
every inhabited part of the world, an unimaginable
richness and variety of 'history' falls off the
world into total oblivion"
C.S. Lewis

I think I'll complain a little less now when I can't remember something trivial. such as a name.

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