Thursday, November 29

Awkward and Awesome

Today was a Murphy's Law kind of day; everything that can go wrong, went wrong. I woke up late, didn't get a lot of work done, lost my flash drive that had a semester's worth of computer programming that I needed, couldn't buy ham at Costco so my ham and cheese bagel became a cheese bagel, was late for my noon class, didn't understand a word of it, deleted my group project's program syntax, bruised myself WAY too much during vball, then spent another 4 hours on a stupid homework assignment, and almost lost $200 meant for a friend.
BUT I have survived today. I found my flash drive, won my volleyball match, recovered the deleted syntax, turned in that blankity-blank-blank assignment and found the $200.

Take that universe.

  • Being friendly with restaurant workers - free drinks? Ok! 
  • Watching the men's volleyball team practice. No, that's not creepy... 
  • The Office. We're currently on season 5 and we started 2 weeks ago. Don't judge 
  • Finally understanding computer programming enough to help other people 
  • Meeting my first niece! Little Audrey is adorable! 
  • Tanning. I don't care what anyone says, sometimes the tanning bed is just the perfect answer. Those UV rays can help a woman out! 
  • I'm can almost see the end of this semester 
  • Being assigned to the number one team in my vball class 
  • My Prof saying, "I think I'm actually going to re-write the final to make it a little easier. Any objections?" (No objections were made manifest btw) 
  • That same professor deciding to write my computer code for me - THANK YOU! 
  • THIS - I seriously can't stop laughing! 
  • and THIS - so true... it's almost not funny. 
  • "So when are you guys going to have kids?" .... we don't know. And why would we tell you if we did??? 
  • Saying a different name when someone asks what my name is. "May I ask who's calling?" "Oh yeah, my name is Liz... wait, what?!" 
  • Having to explain what a HOME BIRTH is 
  • When people ask if I'm feeling alright because I look a little... off. Sometimes I don't have time to do my hair ok? 
  • Watching someone trying to flirt when it's obviously not working. It's kinda like watching a car crash; you really can't just look away 
  • Accidently revealing how much of a creeper I am on facebook 
  • When the person next to you farts pretty noticeably. What's the proper protocol for that anyone know? 
  • Still not knowing how to pronounce my group member's name, and it's the end of the semester 
  • Having to turn down "dates" because they didn't look at the hand close enough. So, wanna grab a bite to eat later? I know this great restaurant..." "Oh yeah, my husband and I LOVE that place!" *Cue the reddest face I've ever seen. "Oh you're married? So.... um... how's that going for you...?" 
Needless to say, it's been a fantastic week and this has become my new mantra

Sunday, November 25

School tomorrow is optional right?

My reaction to school starting tomorrow:

and this:

Just two more weeks... two more INSANE weeks...

Tuesday, November 13


The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. 
Beautiful people do not just happen."
- Elizabeth Kubler Ros

Friday, November 9

Awkward and Awesome

I haven't done this in a while... but I've had just too many awkward experiences to pass this up.
  • Husband getting a 94 on an econ test. I married a genius. 
  • 10 VOB's completed in one day. That's a work thing... and it's mostly just awesome for myself. 
  • Hawaii in a month; HOLLAH 
  • The sweet pancake (look at 0:07) I did in my vball class last week. 
  • Shooting my finger gun at annoying drivers, and having the person next to me at the intersection start laughing. 
  • Free Starbucks for voting 
  • $2 burritos at Chipotles for dressing up in our Halloween costumes. 
  • $11 for two movie tickets to see Skyfall. I love living in a college town. 
  • Waiting in line at the testing center and having a group of baseball jocks come in behind you. Because of your position, they can't see your ring... and thus the flirting commences. Once the ring is spotted you hear an, "ohh CRAP!" and then, all flirting ceases. (thanks, it's not like I CAN'T hear you...) 
  • Saying in class, "last night we watched What to Expect When You're Expecting.... NOT that we're expecting," and the guy behind you yells "yeah, we've heard THAT before..." *cue entire class laughs *cue my red face. 
  • Public bathrooms. The awkward just never ends. 
  • Smiling, while trying to drink from my Camelback (it's just so cute having water gush out of your mouth) 
  • THESE. I just can't handle them! 
  • Not knowing if someone is dressed up for Halloween, or just acutely unaware of how they look. 
  • Never wearing my ring in volleyball class (because it hurts to play with it on) and thus being forced to navigate the flirting/friendly zone. 
  • A guy running to grab a ball that had bounced against me, and grabbing my butt instead of the ball. Cool beans bro. 
  • The insurance rep catching me eating while I was on hold, then asking what I'm eating. "Umm... oh, just a bag of chocolate chips..." To which he responds, "well, that's not very healthy." Yes, I know it isn't. That's why YOU are working at a HEALTH insurance company, not me.

Saturday, November 3


This Halloween we had a party. We also got $2 Chipotles burritos because we went in our costumes. Between that and a HUGE bag of candy from Costco... I may never need to eat again.

Who am I kidding, I'm off to finish that bag....

Roxanne Ritchie and Megamind

Nerds in Nerds

Kari the babysitter (from the Incredibles) and Captain America

The cutest Mexican ever