Sunday, January 9

Essence of Newness

     Here at BYU there are about 16,499 girls who play the piano. (That's one less than half the estimated student population for the record...) So out of all these girls, there is always someone available to play for all the various needs throughout the day. Ironically, I'm one of these girls, but I've been able to pretty much stay clear of all chances to play... because playing in front of people is nerve-wracking.
Correction: I HAD been able to stay clear of these chances...

Until last Thursday.

None of the classes that I had in my first semester sang hymns before class so it's been cool to have that this semester. But not when you have to play.

Let me explain:

      My Book of Mormon class is on Thursdays and I typically like to get to class about 10 minutes early. When I walked in, my professor had asked everyone else (all 3 of them... and all girls) if they had any experience playing the piano. And none of them did. (such liars....) Anyways, so she turned to me and said, "I'm sorry I don't know your name yet, but do you have any piano playing experience?"
Here came the time to decide... should I hide my tale---uhhh ability to play, or do I "set it on a hill"? Personally I felt like I had no choice because lightening would've struck me down if I denied my ability.
And so I played the opening hymn for my Book of Mormon class. All 100+ of us. Never before has "I'm a Child of God" been so hard to play!
I thought about this chance and I wondered how many other people are out there, hiding their abilities because they feel as though they aren't good enough to preform as other people might be.

How much talent is hidden in this world?

     A couple hours after the class I had kind of forgotten about the whole thing, in an attempt to brush it off and all the while promising myself that I'll just come 5 minutes early instead to avoid being asked again. But the experience resurfaced yesterday after Brother Wilson called me to "chat". (PS: No member of the Bishopric calls just to "chat". "Chatting" is like a red flag warning something new/big/exciting/alarming is about to come your way). I can say this now since it's been announced but I got called to be a Sunday School instructor for the BYU 20th ward. I knew I'd say yes to whatever calling I got but I honestly did NOT expect this calling. This year's course of study is the New Testament. The actual LIFE OF CHRIST. What if I taught this wrong? That would literally be the ULTIMATE sin! Fire and brimstone would fall from the sky in a very narrow pathway so as to only hit me!
Obviously I've exaggerated that in an attempt to illustrate my nervousness for this calling. Just in case that wasn't entirely obvious.
But the point stands. I am NOT a scriptorian by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not an orator. I've ALWAYS had a difficult time completely expressing my thoughts and now I will be responsible for the instruction of the Savior's life to my own peers!
And then, like I said above, I remembered the experience I had on Thursday. What I considered about hiding my talents doesn't apply in exactly the same way to this experience, but my realization of the mere fact that God has given us certain talents is applicable. The common saying "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh" comes to mind. If Heavenly Father wants me to have this calling, and I know that He does, then He will give me the ability to do this, whether or not I feel adequate enough for the task. Who knows? Maybe teaching will become a talent that I'll gain.
And then, maybe I'll be more confident in myself to stop hiding the gifts I've been given.
Maybe I'll even attempt a rousing edition of "Master the Tempest is Raging" for my Book of Mormon class.

actually, maybe not.

Here's to new experiences, new stresses and new learning!


  1. “God does not begin by asking us about our ability, but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, he will increase our capability!” Elder Maxwell

    Love you!

  2. Personally I think you're already prepared for a calling like that cause you're so likable and happy. [: The scary speaking part of the calling won't get in the way of that! But - still stressful haha. Good luck girlie!

  3. I have always felt like teaching in the Church is more like a group fact Kacie and I were just talking about this subject this past Sunday. I think especially there at BYU, you have so many great insights that someone else may not have heard yet, or even thought about...including yourself! I have ALWAYS learned way more teaching than just being the participant. I think you will do amazing neicie!

  4. I feel all caught up now!! glad you are loving life! keep on keepin' on
