Friday, September 30


I'm not entirely sure where to start...
LONG story short: Kyle and I broke up. How's that for an introduction?
And that's about all the explanation I'll be giving here. That and the fact that I still firmly believe him to a remarkable guy and that life's been a little hard since. Understandably so I think?

You know how they say that everything happens for a reason? Sometimes I think they forget to explain that finding that reason is perhaps the hardest thing to deal with. Well at least in my case it has been, I really shouldn't generalize my feelings to everyone I suppose.
I think there's a lot to be said for trials. Trials is too strong of a word, maybe... difficult circumstances? 

Did you know that you have muscles in your soul, feelings, brain and spirit? Did you know that they can be stretched VERY thin?
But guess what happens to stretched muscles; they become stronger and more refined and that's what has happened to me. However difficult things have gotten I feel as though someday I'll benefit from them. In fact to some degree I have already. There's a strength that I've come to rely on far superior than my own and I absolutely know that if I had not turned to the Lord for support then I'd be nowhere near where I currently am now. Recently learned lessons of complete trust in His plan for me, the fact that His plan is the one I must not only follow but earnestly seek, and that this plan will make me happy has comforted me when nothing else could. My eyes have been opened wider to see how blessed I am for the things that I do have. The love of dear friends, my family, and always and especially my Heavenly Father. The opportunity I've had to learn how to accept correction, instruction, guidance and change has seriously humbled me. I've never felt more close to Christ than in these past couple of weeks and I believe that I needed to be sufficiently humble before He could help me. Sometime I think we learn best from Him when have only Him to rely on. I've learned that life is never as bad as we make it out to be. The attitude in which we face circumstances can change the results we see. I am here at a phenomenal university, utilizing my fully function and healthy body to further increase my knowledge. I am learning life lessons. I have food, clothing (LOT'S OF CLOTHING....), friends, family, housing, finances, support groups, the gospel, opportunities and God in my life. How can life be anything but a blessing? No matter how bad things seem, no matter how hard something seems to be, THINGS WILL GET BETTER. And someone always is worse off. Counting my many blessings has proven and shown to me what God has done. He has given me everything that I have: isn't it interesting that the only thing we as humans have a right to claim as our own is our ability to choose? And yet that is what He asks of us, to submit our will and accept within our hearts His plan, not knowing beforehand the answers to the questions, the changes we'll go through or the difficult circumstances that we'll endure.
Yes it's been hard, my weekends are drastically different these days (I'm watching Mansfield park on my bed, in my sweats, eating cookie dough on a Friday night) but I can't say that I would go back and change how things happened. They did happen for a reason and maybe I don't know why that is now, but I have hope that someday I will. 

Thursday, September 8

ohhhhhh snap

Life has this awesome way of keeping you super humble.

My humility lesson is staring at my face. It's name is physics 105.

I left class both Tuesday and Thursday totally jazzed because newsflash, "I GOT IT!".

Then I started to do the homework....

And now how am I supposed to figure out the x and y coordinates of where the shell exploded relative to its firing point without even so much as the acceleration of the final velocity of the shell? I mean seriously?

Or better yet, how do I find the speed a ball thrown at 37.4* needs in order to reach the same height the first ball thrown straight up in the air reached? And I don't even have any info on the velocity or acceleration of the first ball (which I could've used to determine how high it ended up getting).

Moreover... when am I ever gonna use this again?

Never? oh, ok... uhhhh why am I in college?

In all seriousness though I'm actually enjoying my classes more than I thought I would this semester. Physics is actually pretty cool especially once you "get it". You get this wicked sweet "I-can-explain-why-ANYTHING-moves" feeling. Granted it's only the 2nd week of school, so I probably won't be saying that later.

Funny enough the movie Despicable Me has cemented a physics term for me. When Vector is first introduced on to the screen he says "I go by Vector. It's a mathematical term, represented by an arrow with both direction and magnitude". I have no idea why I remembered this from the movie, but now every time Prof. Stokes says "vector" I think...

So far I've been keeping pretty busy. It's so nice to be able to have things to DO these days. Stressful yes, but I'd take stress over boredom ANY day. I got called to be the Relief Society Secretary on the first official Sunday here and that's been a good...learning (*ahem, ahem)... experience already. Last night the presidencies had a huge meeting at the Bishop's house were we essentially created a ward draft and filled EVERY possible calling with people. That was really neat to watch come together. Seriously, in 3 hours we built a ward. hollah.

I figure by now that most of the people already know Mr. I's true identity from his visit to WA... so I can drop pretenses now :)

Kyle's been great :) It's so super nice being in the same state... kinda odd sometimes. Odd as in "are we really here together now?" type of thing. Not odd as in a bad odd. Never a bad thing :)
We're actually taking physics together. He of course understands everything immediately after it's all explained. Sometimes I think I'm dating a sponge because he literally just absorbs information that well.... meh. So yeah, things there are going well :)

Ummmm lemme see..... roommates are fabulous! I'm living with both Liz and Carly again, but we got a freaking awesome new roommate named Hillary this semester. She's so cute! We secretly call her Hilla. Because it's kinda like "hollah!" AND because Liz accidently called her that once. It's like a cross between her nickname and her real name.

Yeah anyways....

The first weekend back we got a huge group of us together to go to the disco skate. You got a discount for dressing up! I forgot how much I liked roller-bladding...

This past Labor Day weekend was full of... well taking advantage of how little homework I had and how much free time. So I slept and read for most of it. A luxury I know I'm going to wish I had in about a week. Actually like right now.

Yup well, so that's life as of the first nearly 3 weeks of being back in p-town. It's crazy how fast those weeks have gone by. Time seems to be slipping past my fingers at a crazy insane velocity recently (yes, I totally just dropped a physics term. oh yeahhhh!). Maybe I'm like... getting old or something?
Liz, me, Carly, Hillary on 'Runway Sunday'

First day of school!

Disco Skate Night!

Oquirrh Mountain Temple, Utah