Thursday, October 4

Nightmares: The Final Frontier

I have noticed some disturbing trends in my dreams: they always end up in nightmares. Somewhere between 5-6 am my brain decides to focus on the terrible. In these nightmares, whatever it's about, Kyle is always the first to go. Disappear, divorce, death by electrocution, execution, suffocation, hanging, gun shot, car accident, falling off the San Francisco bridge... I've seen it all. After that, mom usually follow suit, then dad, my sisters, (usually at the same time) and my brother.

Last night's dream consisted of Kyle divorcing me because I failed a chemistry test, mom deciding to come down and help me find a new apartment... and then deciding to move in with me. She was shortly killed in a freak car accident involving a hallucination created by a Botha. Dad came with my siblings for the funeral that took place in some big, white mansion and then some Klingons took over, slit dad's throat and started throwing saw blades everywhere. I escaped with my siblings by hijacking a space shuttle and throwing it into warp speed.

Moral of the story? Stop watching Star Trek.

1 comment:

  1. (This is Mom.)Gasp. Gasp....oh my, you're killing me. :) You've always had wacky dreams. Wait until you have children and then the real paranoia begins. My worst dreams of all time involve the gruesome death of my kids. Sheesh...maybe you came by it honestly now that I think about it. Although my dreams aren't nearly as creative.
