Sunday, January 30

Let me digress...

Mormons can be very judgmental. Granted, I could be saying this only because they're the people I've been around the most for most of my life, but it's true. I'm guilty of it and I'm not going to pretend to deny it. I was thinking about that today during Sunday School, not because it was provoked by a specific judgmental comment, but because of my own thoughts. I wasn't expecting my Sunday School teacher to be as good of a teacher as they were. Rude of me, it's true.
Sometimes I think that as a religious culture we place too much emphasis on the works that we should be doing. Granted I do think that they're necessary and that we SHOULD be trying our best but I think we overlook the importance of grace in the process. That's not to say that grace is all that we are saved by because I firmly believe that works and grace are both needed. Having that perspective (of both works and grace working together) helps me to keep in mind that I don't have to be perfect which is something that I think a lot of Mormons think they have to be. Just because I failed to make cookies for the people I visit teach, or didn't prepare a beautifully arranged musical number to emphasize my talk, or didn't fold that persons laundry etc. etc. doesn't make me a bad person. Granted doing them would make me a better person, but that's why we have grace and the atonement. To help fill the gap between our natural, human selves and between God.

And I used the word granted a total of 3 times. Far too many.

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