Sunday, February 6

what words can't express

This has not been a good week for this kid. A lot of things (ok maybe 3 things) all happened seemingly at once, and it just made the week terrible really. One of my good friends is going through a hard situation right now and the effect it's had on me is rather... inexplicable actually. I don't know why I'm so upset by the whole thing but I am. I want to tell him that things are going to work out, that he'll be fine, and that people love him still! Anyways after hearing about his circumstances.... I promptly failed a chemistry test. Not as in "I didn't do well on it", but failed as in 42% on the test. Doesn't get much worse than that people! Then one of my friends almost got engaged and it completely threw a whole new perspective in front of my face. I could be getting married in the next 2-3-4-5 years!!!! Marriage was something that was joked about, discussed, dreamed of etc. etc as a teenager but with the mindset of "oh that will never happen" because at that age, it wasn't even a possibility. Now, it is.
Well, regardless of how this week went, I'm determined that this next one will be much better! Which really won't be too hard to do. Only way is up right?


  1. I just have to comment on this because that's how my week went too. LIFE just took over with its intricacies and unexpecteds, and my schoolwork totally suffered. I spent a lot of the weekend feeling horrible about it, but needing to focus on LIFE still.
    Like you, I woke up this morning feeling ready to conquer this new week. Sometimes you just have to live your life and support the people you love and stop worrying about what those blasted professors are "requiring" of you.
    I guess I just want to say that I'm right there with you. I feel you. I get it.

  2. Also, I'm in complete awe of how your good friend is handling things. I don't know that I've ever been so impressed with someone's character. Seriously.

  3. As I am I. I've seen a lot of sheer courage this weekend. What a blessing! Hang in there sis!
