Monday, February 20

The List

Hubby and I spent the day today waiting for our dumb Comcast friend to get here and install our internet.  They said he'd be here between 9-11....  definitely showed up at 2:15. (Thanks bud).
Anyways, while we were waiting (ALL DAY) we had time to sit down and come up with some ideas for our bucket list.  We've been meaning to do this since, oh New Year's week, but... well.... you know how life gets.
Here's the start of the list. And by start I mean we spent about 20 minutes on it and we got this many ideas. 
We're big dreamers people.
What about you guys? What's on your bucket list?


Our Bucket List:
Own a dog
Play with a meerkat
Visit the Louvré
Stay at a Spanish Villa
Own a vacation home in Mexico
Scuba diving
Go on a cruise
Skinny dipping
Climb Mt. Rainier
Run a half marathon
Build a fort
Run Ragnar
Have a walk-in closet
Have a massive library for 30,000 books
Own a nice telescope
Learn a foreign language together
Create own recipes
Try Indian food
Go on a mission
Find an ancestor through genealogy work
Have x amount of kids
Debt free
Own a Jetta
Keep the Jeep
Build a developing room for b&w photos
Have a wall of clocks
File taxes in January
Paint on canvas
Make a snowman over 15ft tall
Hike Mt. Timp
Visit all the National Parks in UT and WA
Go surfing
Attend the temple weekly
Perfect the art of making dough
Host a Christmas party that Santa Claus comes to
Work at a soup kitchen on Christmas Day
Have a greenhouse
Go river-rafting
Camp in our hammocks
Go snowboarding/skiing
Go to a fair
Go duck-hunting
Build our own house
Live out-of-country
Try gelato in Italy
Ride in a gondola in Venice
Visit the Pantheon
Spend a day in the Library of Congress
Visit every temple in America
Get yearly family pictures
Backpack through Sweden
Visit the tulip fields in Denmark
Ice blocking
Learn how to play a new instrument
Write a book
Take pictures of the cherry blossoms in bloom in DC
Own an iPhone
Learn how to speed read
Read all the biographies of the latter-day prophets
Go paintballing
Ride in a hot-air balloon
Float down Provo River
Make a snow-cave and sleep in it
Play tricks on the kids
Develop our own secret language
Learn Morse Code
Re-invent the chonga bagel
Create a recipe book of non-edible substances (ie: sticky notes, adhesive, explosive, concrete etc.)
Visit Central Park
Learn how to change a tire
Learn how to drive a stick-shift
Share our talents in church
Go to a masquerade
Take time to smell the proverbial flowers
Enjoy simplicity


  1. Kind of stalker-ish that I read your blog from time to time and never comment, then choose to on your bucket list! :-) But I love your list- I've always wanted to make one but haven't (talk about big dreamers!). I just thought it was funny you had 'own a Jetta' and 'learn to drive a stick shift' because we have a Jetta and it's a stick shift! I just felt cool having done something on your list- so lame of me!! :-) Anyways, you are gorgeous and have some amazing talents and dreams. Thanks for sharing your list!

  2. Love your list! A lot of those would be on mine & my hubby's too! I think I've had a dream of building our own home since I was like 8 years old, haha :)

  3. I LOVE bucket lists!

    You have to try Indian food asap- serious party in your mouth! Oh and scuba diving- changed my life. So many of the other things on your list are on mine too!

