Monday, March 19

Blogger Meet-Up

A couple of weeks ago, Liz, Jill and I went to the BYU-blogger meet up at Orem's best-kept-secret, The Chocolate. (seriously, just the NAME of this place had me drooling). It was so much fun seeing all the owners of these blogs I follow! Plus winning 8 free yoga classes during the giveaway didn't hurt at all :) It's a little creepy when I know what someone did last weekend because of their blog and yet, they don't know me from Adam... but that's what you get for posting stuff on the internet!
I came away with tons of ideas and huge amount of appreciation for people in general. Collective consciousness is truly a remarkable thing: it's incredible how much strength can be found simply through sharing life experiences. It was amazing to be right in the midst of really creative people and to watch ideas unfold and take physical shape. Well, at least I found it amazing cuz I'm the least creative person I know haha.

I had such a fun time! and I'm pretty sure I walked away with an obsession for colored skinny jeans... SO MANY OUTFIT IDEAS. 

Can't wait for next time!


  1. It was great to meet you there! (even if I couldn't really chat for that long) We'll definitely have to fix that at the next blogger meet up :)

  2. So good to meet you there! I check your blog all the time!
