Sunday, November 14


Life isn't fair.

It's an old saying yeah, but everyday it's proven to be quite valid.

It's not fair that I wake up early, and still leave late.

It's not fair that I study 20 hours and end up with a lower score than my study partner

It's not fair that the light turned green for the guy speeding/weaving through traffic, and then turns yellow too early for me to blast through it.

It's not fair that ______ can eat a whole box of pop tarts and still have a 6-pack.

And these are just a few of the unfairness qualities of life. But when I take a second to think globally, I'm pretty sure the unfairness is balanced out between the good and bad things happening.

There is so much of everything in this world, the good, bad, ugly and beautiful! All of these things can be seen in one individual, so it makes sense that the 6,881,300,109 people living on this planet would magnify those traits.


I got a letter from a friend serving a mission yesterday and he's serving in a fairly ghetto place.
Let's be real, it's freaking Miami Vice x 10 there.
But amidst the shootings, police chases, drug users and white trash, the beautiful message of the gospel is taking a hold of the hearts of the people there. Good is born from the ashes as they would say.
This doesn't only happen to the people, but to him (the missionary) as well. Never having a brother that served a mission, and being too young to remember my uncles leaving, it's been a phenomenal experience for me to keep in contact with him and literally (but not literally...) SEE the changes the Spirit has worked in him.
Stereotypically, it's HARD to explain, but certain things that used to bug him before he left don't anymore. Movies and music were his life previously, and even though he sometimes misses them now, he said he's just stopped paying attention to the new releases.

Not to mention the advice he gives. I wrote out a long letter of venting things, mostly about the frustrations of college and such. But what the advice I got back was priceless. None of it was necessarily NEW to me, but how he worded it made better sense to me than the words of those who'd previously tried to talk to me. Giving me advice on to "just chill", turn to God and His words, and go to His places for guidance.

The gospel is truly amazing!
It's all just so cool to see/hear/read!

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