Friday, January 6

First House

If you asked me if I thought I'd "own" a house as a teenager a year ago.... I would've laughed in response.
I love eating my own words haha.
The long awaited house tour has arrived! Kyle and I {aka: me} aren't quite done decorating yet, but I figured that if we waited to post pictures until we were COMPLETELY done, then we'd never post!

And now for the tour:

from the front

living room
Kitchen as you walk in
Kitchen view looking back at the living room
our bedroom
(with the AMAZING quilt Pam made us)
our closet
(it's fairly obvious who's side is who's...)

I'm sure I'll post more pictures later as things slowly become "done", but for now we're quite happy with how things have turned out. We've been really blessed by the generosity of everyone who has helped get us settled in. We both have an amazing system of support around us and they all have been amazingly helpful.

Kyle is gleefully setting up the surround sound right now. (I swear; car, electrical and tool knowledge has GOT to be inherited through the Y chromosome). We've got some engaged friends coming over for a movie night tonight! Our very first movie night!

ps: Have I mentioned that I love married life? Cuz I totally do....

Have a great weekend!


  1. Kyle is very talented, can do anything!! If not I would be more than happy to help if he has questions! Where is this "first house" located?

  2. I LOVE WHAT YOU"VE DONE TO THE PLACE! How fun! Great job guys! Love you!

  3. How fun! Thanks for the tour and I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves.
