Friday, January 20

Its been a month, my dear

So crazy how time flies!
The first month has been such a big blur of traveling, unwrapping, unpacking, decorating, scheduling, prioritizing, planning and communicating.

I'm so glad though to be married to my best friend.
I thought it would be fun to share 10 things that I've learned about my husband!

1. I've learned he can eat nearly twice as much bread, eggs, noodles, juice, pizza.... food than I can.
2. I've learned that he tends to go to bed later and wake up later than I do.

3. I've learned that he is surprisingly more cuddly than I! (he'll probably deny that one though...)
4. I've learned that he is more patient than I gave him credit for
5. and he's less stubborn than he thought
6. I've learned that he has an aversion to paper towels
7. and an obsession with Nerds
8. I've learned that he HAS to have the bed made before he goes to sleep; even if that means making it 5 minutes before going to bed.
9. I've learned that he legitimately loves reading his textbooks. I don't understand it.
10. Most importantly though, I've learned that he loves me more than I ever thought someone could.

Love you hun.


  1. I know Kyle pretty dang well - but some of these are new to me - cuddly? Kyle? :) and I need to hear about this paper towel issue!

    But the funniest of all of these (and Thomas can attest to this...) is that I have the same bed making fettish - I sometimes make the bed, then pull back the sheets and crawl right in, but I DID make it! :) I think we have our Mom to blame for that. Love you two!

  2. this makes me so happy - isn't marriage the best?
    oh and congrats - i stalked elizabeths pictures of the wedding ...beautiful.
    and im excited youre coming to the blogger meet up - grab the button and add it to your sidebar to spread the word :)

  3. Hi there! I saw that you might be coming to the BYU blogger meet up, and I wanted to say hi. I promise it's not as creepy as it sounds haha. I'm one of the co-hosts. ANYWAY, you and your mister are so cute. I'm glad I found your blog!


  4. Jess, this is seriously adorable. :D Also, I love your blog. :)
