Wednesday, March 9

He & She

Pinterest has these suggested pins that have started taking over my feed lately (super annoying; maybe I don't follow enough people?). Most of them are baby related but occasionally I'll see one that's moderately interesting. Such is the tale of how we spent our FHE this week. A suggested pin popped up titled "The Not so Newly Wed Game" and I thought it'd be entertaining if nothing else to go through the questions together. We took the liberty of not answering some and/or editing a few for a more PG audience ;)

A is my answer, B is Kyle's answer and our corrections are bolded.

1. Who led a more “wild life” before you got together?
a. me
b. Jess

2. Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?
a. me
b. Jess

3. What is your spouse’s most prized possession?
a. Multiple copies of Mormon Doctrine? (Laptop)
b. Clothes (wedding ring)

4. How would your spouse describe your driving?
a. Cautious
b. Terrifying

5. If your spouse was a cartoon character who would they be?
a. Fred from Scooby Doo
b. Jessica Rabbit

6. What is the worst thing that happened on your wedding day?
a. I left my wedding dress at the house with the understanding that someone would grab it before we went to the temple, but no one did! We had to turn around and get it, making us late
b. Took too long to get to the temple

7. How many cousins does your spouse have?
a. 22…? (23) 
b. 20 (38) 

8. How often does your spouse get their hair cut?
a. Once every 3 months
b. Quarterly? (2x year)

9. What would your spouse say is the best thing about being married to you?
a. The confidence and security of having companionship
b. Intelligent, thought-provoking conversation

10. What would your spouse say is the hardest thing about being married to you?
a. My lack of communication in some areas
b. My memory

11. What movie title would best describe your marriage?
a. Fast and Furious?? lol Mission Impossible?
b. Much Ado About Nothing/ Yours Mine & Ours

12. What is the first gift you ever gave your spouse?
a. A t-shirt? I honestly don't remember
b. A book on temples

13. Complete the sentence: A perfect spouse is one who:
a. Listens
b. You can pick up right where you left off with them, no matter what happened

14. What would your spouse say was the hardest thing about adjusting to marriage?
a. Dealing with a birth control crazy wife!
b. Learning to be completely trusting, honest and open

15. Who would be cast to play your spouse in a movie?
a. Matthew McConaughey &/or Jimmy Fallon
b. Emma Stone

16. What are the middle names of your spouse’s parents?
a. Leonard and Kay
b. Jay and Ann

17. If your spouse could have unlimited access to any store, what store would he choose?
a. Fry’s (Does Amazon count?) 
b. Gap/Old Navy/H&M/Banana Republic (Target)

18. What is your spouse’s favorite date that you have gone on?
a. Goblin Valley…?
b. Rodizio’s and a fashion show

19. What is your spouse’s favorite comfort food?
a. His homemade Reese Peanut Butter mixture
b. Diet Coke and chocolate (popcorn!) 

20. What name for a pet does your spouse loves the most?
a. Kahn
b. Calcanean

21. If you took over 1 household chore for your spouse forever, what would they choose?
a. Car repairs? (none of them, just let me do it when I want to do it, how I want to do it) 
b. Laundry

22. Where did you first tell each other that you love another?
a. In the Jeep
b. In the car

23. Who made the first move?
a. …… me
b. She did

24. What will your spouse say is the nicest thing you did for them this week?
a. Understanding his grumpy mood on Sunday?
b. Doing the dishes

25. What shoe size does your spouse wear?
a. 13-14
b. 9-10 (8-9)

26. What grooming product could your spouse not live without?
a. Razor
b. Eyeliner? (toothbrush) 

27. Which of the two of you is best at penny pinching?
a. Him
b. Probably her now

28. What is your spouse’s favorite TV show?
a. Firefly, Star Trek, Parks & Rec
b. New Girl

29. Where did you share your first kiss?
a. Also in the Jeep
b. The car

30. What was your spouse’s first job?
a. Sunroc in Springville
b. Babysitting (technically yes, but first W2 submitted for a job as an aide at a Physical Therapy clinic) 

31. If your spouse won $5000, what would he want to spend it on?
a. Handgun, jeep upgrades, computer parts
b. Paying off debt (a vacation)

32. What is your spouses’ favorite candy bar?
a. Reese’s
b. Snickers

33. What adjective best describes your spouse’s family?
a. Caring
b. Loud

34. If your house was on fire, what is the one thing your spouse would grab before leaving the house?
a. Laptop
b. The kids and maybe pictures (assuming kids are safe, our 72 hour kits and file folder of bills)

35. What is the first thing your spouse would buy if they won a big lottery?:
a. Handgun
b. Pay off debt

36. What’s your spouses’ best “stupid human trick”?
a. His pinkies are crooked
b. Eye crossing / Beaker face

37. Complete this sentence: It must be true that opposites attract because my spouse and I are total opposite when it comes to:
a. Sleeping schedules
b. Rational thought

38. Other than your wedding day, what one day of your marriage would your spouse most like to experience again?
a. The day after ;)
b. The next day

39. What is the worst gift your spouse has ever bought for you?
a. A book on temples but that was cuz I was fully expecting a ring instead
b. 2 copies of the Bourne Identity

40. What percentage of the housework would your spouse say they do?
a. …. 10%?
b. 90%

41. If you spouse could be married to a movie star, who would they choose?
a. Emma Watson/Stone (Emma Stone) 
b. Max Greenfield (Matthew McConaughey or Tom Hardy) 

42. How many boyfriends/girlfriends did your spouse have before you?
a. A couple of high school “interests” but not one official girlfriend
b. 4? (3) 

43. If the prize for winning this game were a second honeymoon to any destination, where would you go?:
a. Mexico
b. Europe full-tour

44. Complete this sentence: Not many people know it but my spouse is really good at:
a. Seeing the big picture
b. Nursing

45. What are you most looking forward to in the next 5 years?
a. Seeing us grow together as a family
b. Seeing the family grow

It always cracks me up how similar we are and yet totally different. Sure am grateful for a husband who makes me laugh every day.


  1. LOUD??? :) :) :)

  2. Jessica Rabbit!!! Lol!

  3. Good at nursing hahaha. And pay off debts. Handy and practical ;)
